Solar/Photovoltaic Bernburg for sale Germany | Photovoltaic roof system in Salzlandkreis (existing system)

Photovoltaic roof system in Salzlandkreis (existing system) 

ID: PBu-DE-PV540/1190363
Solar/Photovoltaic Bernburg for sale Germany | Solarfläche mit 540 kWp zu verkaufen
Solarfläche mit 540 kWp zu verkaufen
Solar/Photovoltaic Bernburg for sale Germany | Solarfläche mit 540 kWp zu verkaufenSolar/Photovoltaic Bernburg for sale Germany | QR-Code

Solar/Photovoltaic for sale
€ 1 120,00 (≈ US$  1 170) net price 
DE-06406 Bernburg
Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany

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This high-performance rooftop system was commissioned in March 2019 and is located in the Salzland district. With a total output of 540.16 kWp and a specific yield of 986.55 kWh/kWp p.a., it achieves an annual electricity production of around 532,800 kWh. The system offers a stable earnings situation, attractive remuneration and high-quality technical components.

The remaining term of the EEG calculation period is 15 years (until 2039). The system is divided into 9 inverters, 4 of which have already been sold. The remaining system is now being offered at a price of EUR 1,120/kWp.
#Salzlandkreis #Salzlandkreis
Location (approximate): Salzlandkreis
Exact address will only be provided on request
Modules: REC
Inverter: Huawei
Remuneration: 10.45 Ct/kWh
Yield: 986.55 kWh/kWp p.a.
Lease amount: included in the purchase price for 20 years, thereafter 5 % of the electricity revenue
EEG subsidy: Securing stable remuneration for a further 15 years
Investment potential: Attractive return due to high specific output
Price: 1.120,- Euro/kWp for the remaining components
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