Solar open land with 235 kWp for sale
ID: PBu-DE-PV235/1190350
Solar/Photovoltaic Neubrandenburg for sale Germany | Solarfläche mit 235 kWp zu verkaufen

Solar/Photovoltaic for sale
€ 329 000 (≈ US$ 356 000) net price
DE-17033 Neubrandenburg
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
Contact owner
€ 329 000 (≈
Rohertrag: ca. 9,25% Rendite
3,5 % of the purchase price plus VAT/TAX
Available ab sofort
This modern ground-mounted photovoltaic system is newly constructed and offers attractive investment conditions for operators and investors interested in stable yields in the renewable energy sector. With a planned annual output of 270,500 kWh, the system generates a stable annual yield.For further information, technical details and viewing appointments, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Location (approximate): Mecklenburg Lake DistrictThe exact address will only be given on request
Translated with (free version)
Output: 235 kWp (kilowatt peak)Technical commissioning: November 2023
Yield specification: Calculated according to PV-Sol with a specific yield of 1,150 kWh/kWp p.a.
Annual electricity production: approx. 270,500 kWh
Initial feed-in tariff: 7.50 cents per kWh (* planned)
Annual turnover before costs: approx. € 20,268.75
Lease amount: ongoing Lease 5 Euro / kWp / year
Lease term: 20 years + 1x 10 yrs. Option
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