All the property listings Presidente Figueiredo
International real estate
Presidente Figueiredo
All the property listings Presidente Figueiredo, real estate Presidente Figueiredo for sale and rent
479 ha of land are for sale. Of this, 8 ha have been cleared and are intended for arable farming (e.g. macaxera, papaya, pumpkin, watermelon) and a further 8 ha are planted with perennial crops (coconut, cupuacu, bananas, pepper).
Workers can live in the farmhouse, which is elevated. A small river flows in the immediate vicinity, which has good water all year round. Due to the deep location of ...
mazonas fruit farm for sale - LAk-BR-00
69735000 Presidente Figueiredo, Brazil
479 hectareProperty
€ 495 000

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