Real estate package Special offer for new customers
Test Package for our real estate portal1)
12 months
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Object rotation
Export to other portals
Import interface e.g: OpenImmo
Export interface e.g. twitter
Further interfaces on request
Portal Agent for automatic maintenance
Multilingual presentation
Multicurrency capability incl. Conversion
Complete for only

Login (only for registered User)
Branch of industry*
Password: 8-30 characters. Letters, numbers and special characters
If you have a coupon, please enter it here.
Payment options
Select your preferred payment method
I have read and accept the GTC.
I have noted the Privacy Policy.
I order with costs the selected package.
After the contract ends the tariff is changed to PayPerUse.
You will be notified by e-mail before the changeover.
Total price: USD 341,10 plus VAT/TAX