Restaurant Barra Velha for sale Brazil | Barra Velha Restaurant for sale - 10334R

Barra Velha Restaurant for sale - 10334R 

ID: 10334R-K/391693
Contact information:
EfG Consulting
+49 171 383 2003
Restaurant Barra Velha for sale Brazil | Barra Velha Restaurant zu verkaufen
Barra Velha Restaurant zu verkaufen
Restaurant Barra Velha for sale Brazil | Barra Velha Restaurant zu verkaufenRestaurant Barra Velha for sale Brazil | Barra Velha Restaurant zu verkaufenRestaurant Barra Velha for sale Brazil | Barra Velha Restaurant zu verkaufenRestaurant Barra Velha for sale Brazil | Barra Velha Restaurant zu verkaufenRestaurant Barra Velha for sale Brazil | Barra Velha Restaurant zu verkaufenRestaurant Barra Velha for sale Brazil | Barra Velha Restaurant zu verkaufenRestaurant Barra Velha for sale Brazil | Barra Velha Restaurant zu verkaufenRestaurant Barra Velha for sale Brazil | Barra Velha  Meer - StrandRestaurant Barra Velha for sale Brazil | Barra Velha  Meer - StrandRestaurant Barra Velha for sale Brazil | QR-Code

Restaurant for sale
R$ 1 100 000 (≈ Au$  286 000) 
BR-88390-000 Barra Velha
Santa Catarina, Brazil

Contact owner

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 All offers of the estate supplier
Property252 sq.m
Usable area250 sq.m
Real Estate Property South Brazil in Barra Velha restaurant with terrace only 300m to the beach - sea, for sale.
Both land, with one restaurant and one with the house (floor), are street to street. The modern rustic restaurant is today in continuous operation, and serving A La Carte since 1999.
In 2007, a total renovation was done. The entire restaurant, seats 70 people, is full equipped, including Hall is the Bar (90mq), kitchen (24 sqm), Clear (99.5 sqm), Deposit (18 sqm), toilets and Fraudaria (8 sqm) Space Dish-washing (6.5 sqm) and laundry 4 sqm). The terrain is in full 252 sqm.
The Hall: 12 tables, 4 seats and 46 seats, imported and made in hardwood. 1 Air conditioning, 2 sets of tablecloths for all tables, enough cutlery and crockery. The free space - Biergarten has three marble tables with six banks, including tablecloths. The Bar: Computer with Internet, gastronomy program and fiscal printer, 1 Air conditioning, 1 large freezer for beer, 1 large Freezer (glass door) for soda, 1 cellar of wine, 1 Freezer average (ice and hot beverage), 1 Full beer cooler, 1 juicer juice, 1 blender, 2 sinks for washing cups, enough glasses for wine and sparkling wine and glasses for juice, water, soft drinks and beer, and more. The Kitchen: 1 Oven combined industrial, industrial fryers 2, 4 microwave, 1 large plate, 1 oven gas 6 burners, 1 refrigerator, 1 freezer, 2 sinks, plenty of plates, cutlery, pans and much more utensils. The Deposit: 5 Freezer, 1 Refrigerator, 1 industrial electric slicer, 1 industrial electric blender, 1 industrial electric grater, 2 scales, 3 seconds and 1 closet. The Laundry: 1 Machine to wash clothes, 1 table. All equipment is in perfect condition for use.
#RegiãoGeográficaIntermediáriadeBlumenau #RegiãoGeográficaImediatadeItajaí #RegiãoSul
Süd-Brasilien meernah - Touristische Küstenstadt Barra Velha, 3 Gehminuten vom Strand entfernt, ca. 20 km südlich befindet sich Südamerikas größter Freizeitpark Beto Carrero World. BMW errichtet ca. 30 km nördlich eine Montagefabrik.
Gastraum inklusive Bar 90 qm, Spülraum 6 qm, Küche 24 qm, Vorratsraum 18 qm, Wickelraum und Toiletten 8 qm, Biergarten 99,5 qm, die Wasch- und Bügelecke 6,5 qm, Grundstück 252 qm.
Gastraum: 12 Holztische, 4 Bänke und 46 Stühle, 2 Sätze Tischdecken für alle Tische, 1 Klimaanlage, ausreichend Geschirr.
Biergarten: 3 Tische und 6 Bänke mit Sitz und Tischdeckengarnitur.
Bar: 1 Computer mit Internetzugang sowie Gastronomie Programm und Rechnungsdrucker, 1 Klimaanlage, 1 Gefrierschrank für Bier, 1 Gefrierschrank für Erfrischungsgetränke, 1 Gefrierschrank für Eis, 1 Weinadega, 1 komplette Zapfanlage, 1 Orangensaftpresse, 1 Mixer, 2 Spülbecken, ausreichend Gläser für Wein, Saft, Bier, Wasser, mehrere Bierkisten Leergut.
Spülraum: 1 Industriespülmaschine.
Küche: 1 industrieller kombinierter Dampfherd, 2 industrielle Friseusen, 4 Mikrowellenherde, 1 Gasherdplatte, 1 sechsflammiger Gasherd, 1 Kühlschrank, 1 Gefrierschrank, 2 Spülbecken, ausreichend Geschirr, Besteck, Töpfe, Teller und viele weitere Küchenutensilien.
Vorratsraum: 5 Gefrierschränke, 1 Kühlschrank, 1 Wurstschneidemaschine, 1 industrieller Mixer, 1 industrielle Käsereibe, 3 Regale und 1 Vorratsschrank.
Wasch- und Bügelecke: 1 Waschmaschine, 1 Tisch.
Alle aufgeführten Gegenstände befinden sich in einem einwandfrei funktionierendem Zustand.

Gastroflaeche: 250.00

Gastroflaeche: 250.00

Gastroflaeche: 250.00

Gastroflaeche: 250.00

Gastroflaeche: 250.00

Gastroflaeche: 250.00

Gastroflaeche: 250.00

Gastroflaeche: 250.00
Gastroflaeche: 250.00
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