Bahia Boca do Rio 2 apartments - 13115
ID: 13115-K/964835
Contact information:
EfG Consulting
+49 171 383 2003
+49 171 383 2003
Apartment SSA for sale Brazil | QR-Code

Apartment for sale
€ 73 900 (≈ US$ 80 000)
BR-41706-860 SSA, Comercio
Bahia, Brazil
€ 73 900 (≈
Direktauftrag vom Eigentümer

Frei /
Available according to agreement
Bathroom / Toilet2
Living space130 sq.m
Usable area140 sq.m
Brazil in Salvador de Bahia - Boca do Rio 2 apartments for sale. Buy 1 apartment or 2 apartments.2 Apartments = 1 big apartment with 130 sqm
Both apartments share the 2nd floor
2 rooms. Living room. Kitchen. Bathroom. Outdoor cleaning area with space for washing machine and clothesline.
80 sqm useful surface and 71 sqm living space.
Price EUR 48'000.
FARE 202
1 bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom.
60 sqm living area.
Price EUR 39'000.
Parking spaces available in the inner courtyard.
The condominium costs about 150 real/month.
Both apartments are ready to be lived in immediately.
#MicrorregiãodeSalvador #MesorregiãodoRecôncavobaiano #RegiãoNordeste
Very good location:- No noise, very quiet location in a quiet street behind the famous Churrascaria Boi Preto Prime.
- 3 minutes walk to the beach
- 5 minutes by car from Shopping Salvador
- 3 minutes walk from Centro de Convenções Salvador
- Many cheap and very good restaurants in the neighborhood within a 5-minute walk.
- Cheap shopping opportunities in the neighborhood compared to big supermarkets like Bom Preço.
In Brasilien zahlt der Käufer keine Provision!! Seit 2005 vermitteln wir erfolgreich Immobilien in Brasilien.
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