Mine Grahovište for sale Bosnia-Herzegovina | Investment offer - Quartz-silicon mine in Bosnia - EfG

Investment offer - Quartz-silicon mine in Bosnia - EfG 

ID: 1205971-NIZ/1205971
Contact information:
EfG Consulting
+49 171 383 2003
Mine Grahovište for sale Bosnia-Herzegovina | Quarz-Silizium Mine
Quarz-Silizium Mine
Mine Grahovište for sale Bosnia-Herzegovina | Quarz-Silizium MineMine Grahovište for sale Bosnia-Herzegovina | AbbauflächeMine Grahovište for sale Bosnia-Herzegovina | QR-Code

Mine for sale
€ 23 500 000 (≈ US$  25 455 000) 
BA-71000 Grahovište, Željeznička
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia-Herzegovina

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We offer you a unique investment opportunity in a highly profitable quartz-silicon mine in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The mine has an official and unlimited mining concession and raw material deposits of the highest quality that meet international standards. This investment offers long-term earnings opportunities and enormous growth potential in the electronics, solar energy and construction industries.

The mine's raw material reserves are currently estimated at 50 million tons. By acquiring the company, including the mining concession and existing rights, investors benefit directly from the resource and secure long-term income.
#Grahovište #KantonSarajevo #NovoSarajevoMunicipality
Official mining concession: Unlimited mining option guarantees continuous use.
High-quality raw material: Quartz silicon of the highest grade for industrial applications.
Legal security: All rights and concessions are already secured.
Offer to sell: Acquisition of the entire company for € 23,500,000, including concession, raw material rights and inventory.
Official mining concession: open-ended mining option guarantees continuous use.
High-grade raw material quality: Quartz silicon of the highest quality for industrial applications.
Legal security: All rights and concessions are already secured.
Offer to sell: Acquisition of the entire company for € 23,500,000, including concession, raw material rights and inventory.
Raw material inventory: approx. 50 million tons
Price: € 23,500,000 for the entire company including rights and concession
Investment benefits: Long-term growth, high profitability, low risk index due to secured rights.

This project represents an exceptional investment opportunity from which you can benefit in the long term. With open-ended mining opportunities, high-quality raw material and strong demand, the mine offers an optimal basis for a quick return on investment and sustainable growth.

Contact us for more information or a personal site visit.

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