Fazenda Monte Alegre/Brazil for sale BR102
ID: PSi-BR-102/1199518
Contact information:
EfG Consulting
+49 171 383 2003
+49 171 383 2003
Estate Cachoeiras de Macacu for sale Brazil | Fazenda in Brasilien
Estate for sale
€ 720 000 (≈ US$ 780 000)
BR-28680-000 Cachoeiras de Macacu
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
€ 720 000 (≈

Frei / www.immo-brasilien.com
Available according to agreement
Property247,10 acre
Nestled in the picturesque mountains above Cachoeiras de Macacu, Fazenda Monte Alegre offers a unique panorama with a view of over 50 kilometers into the valley. This spacious property is the epitome of Brazilian joie de vivre and offers everything for a life in harmony with nature.Residential building: A large, comfortable house with 500 m² of living space, perfect for families or as a vacation residence.
Land: 100 hectares of versatile land in a unique location. Ideal for agricultural projects or simply to enjoy the Brazilian nature.
The current owner would like to sell the fazenda in order to purchase a larger property - your opportunity to call this special place your own.
#RegiãoMetropolitanadoRiodeJaneiro #RegiãoGeográficaIntermediáriadoRiodeJaneiro #RegiãoSudeste
Situated in the mountains, with a spectacular dream view.Distance to the next asphalt road: 5 km
Town/City: Cachoeiras de Macacu
Distance to city center: 8 km
Nearest larger town: Nova Friburgo
Shopping4 miles
Animals, private lake, fruit trees, pool, barbecue area View, 50 KM into the valley.
Allegedly you can even see Rio at night....
In Brazil the buyer pays no commission! We have been successfully brokering real estate in Brazil since 2005.
More offers immo-brasilien.com
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